“The more we can learn to recognize and honor all of our parts, the more we can find inner peace and balance.”

- Richard Schwartz (Founder of IFS)

What is IFS?

The Internal Family System (IFS) model operates on the principle that within each of us exists multiple sub-personalities or "parts,” each with their own unique thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. These parts may hold different beliefs, emotions, and motivations, often stemming from past experiences and traumas. The goal of IFS therapy is to befriend all the parts of us and help them to be free from their constraints or burdens. IFS invites these parts, which are rarely given a voice, and are sometimes kept secret, to emerge and to tell their stories, moving towards Self Discovery, Self love, and a Self-led system.

How does IFS work?

IFS therapy operates on the premise that each part of the internal system plays a valuable role in protecting and coping with life's challenges. But when certain parts become burdened with extreme emotions or beliefs, they can disrupt the overall balance and well-being of the individual. IFS therapy helps individuals identify and understand the various parts within their internal system. By acknowledging and empathizing with these parts, individuals develop a deeper sense of Self-awareness and Self-compassion. 

Through the guidance of a skilled therapist, clients learn to access their true Self—the core, compassionate essence that exists beyond the influence of individual parts. This Self acts as a wise and nurturing leader, capable of fostering healing and integration within the system.

As individuals cultivate a harmonious relationship with their internal parts and connect with their authentic Self, they experience profound shifts in their emotional well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. IFS therapy offers a safe and transformative space for individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

What is IFS used to treat?

  • Trauma

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Grief

  • Addictive Processes

  • Relationships

  • Attachment Wounds

Team Members Trained in IFS