Our Approach to Treating Obsessions and Compulsions

We recognize that OCD is highly correlated with a history of trauma, and we understand that trauma has not always been a part of the conversation in treating obsessions and compulsions for many people.

At New Moon Rising Wellness, we offer a shift in the conversation around OCD: changing the question from "how do we fix you because you are broken" to "how can we compassionately help you move toward your values and feel more empowered around your thoughts”. 

We have a deep understanding that working with a trusted provider who promotes a sense of safety in the therapy room is a strong predictor of success in reducing the presence of obsessions and compulsions. 

We value the uniqueness of each individual that comes into therapy with us and recognize that there is no “one size fits all” approach for working with OCD. Instead, we celebrate and value your individuality and will work with you to create a roadmap that is reflective of and honors your identities, values, and systems you are a part of

Ways That We Treat Obsessions + Compulsions

At New Moon Rising Wellness, we utilize evidence-based approaches, including Exposure and Relapse Prevention (ERP), which is believed to be the "gold standard" in working with individuals with OCD. Our team takes it a step further, however, by integrating trauma-informed interventions to avoid retraumatization and honor safety considerations when working with individuals with marginalized identities. 

This includes providing psychoeducation in each phase of treatment, beginning with informed consent. We believe that you have the right to understand and knowingly consent to therapy and to work at a pace that is just right for you. You and your provider will work together to identify situations that cause you distress and create a hierarchy of the intensity of this distress. Your therapist will guide you through a gradual process of exposures to work towards decreasing distress.

Team Members Who Work With Obsessions + Compulsions

  • Sara Beth Geoghegan

    Senior Counselor

  • Rachel Sellers

    Senior Counselor

  • Bradford Tally

    Associate Counselor